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Hayom Yom

Hayom-Yom for 28, Teves

27 Tevet, 5778 - January 14, 201829 Tevet, 5778 - January 16, 2018

Hayom Yom was written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5703 (1942-43).
In this box we have listed the Torah Lessons for this year.
The Torah Lessons below in the text are as they were in the original edition.
Monday, 28 Tevet, 5778 - January 15, 2018
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Bo, 2nd portion (Exod. 10:12-10:23) with Rashi.
Tehillim: 135-139
Tanya: English text / Audio / MP3
     3 chapters: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     1 chapter: Hebrew / Audio / MP3,
     Sefer Hamitzvos: English / Audio / MP3

Tuesday Tevet 28 * 5703
Torah Lessons
Chumash: Va'eira, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 135-139.
Tanya: Now we can understand (p. 61)..."Be righteous." (p. 63).

The published version of Sefer Hachakira (Derech Emuna) of the Tzemach Tzedek lacks many glosses. He composed it in connection with his trips to Petersburg where he had to answer many questions on those subjects.



    ("The Tzemach Tzedek and the Haskalah Movement," Kehot.

    * This day marks the birth, in 5640 (1880) of Rebbetzin Chana of blessed memory, mother of the Rebbe Sh'lita.

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